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Ai Sales Specialist

Close more deals, faster.

Arkeo Ai will analyze your CRM deals to identify the most likely to close, helping you focus on the highest-potential leads to drive sales.

Client - SalesPlaybookBuilder
Client - StimStixx
Client - StoreKeeper
Client - WhiteStar
Client - Safety Evolution

Running a sales team is tough for Founders and CEOs.

You're always chasing leads, tracking performance, and figuring out which deals will close.

But is all this effort effective? Are you targeting the right leads? Are your reps meeting their goals?


Arkeo's AI Sales Specialist

By analyzing your CRM, Arkeo gives a clear picture of your sales activities, pipeline health, and deal progress.

Helping you and your sales team make informed decisions, improve strategies, and close more deals, FASTER.


Hear what our Customers are saying...

"Arkeo AI is not just a product; it's a partnership that empowers founders to achieve their goals with an unprecedented level of support and intelligence"

- Drew Williams, Founder, Sales Playbook Builder

Identifies where deals get stuck and spots opportunities for improvement, making the sales process smoother.

Pipeline Structure and Flow Analysis

Breaks down each stage of the sales pipeline and tracks deal flow.

Benefit: Identifies where deals get stuck and spots opportunities for improvement, making the sales process smoother.

What can you expect? More deals closed and a more reliable sales process.

Helps target marketing and sales efforts toward the best prospects.

Ideal Customer Profile Builder

Identifies key customer characteristics and high-performing industries.

Benefit: Helps target marketing and sales efforts toward the best prospects.

What to expect? Higher quality leads and better conversion rates.

Gives a clear view of sales performance and highlights areas needing attention.

Sales Profile Insights

Tracks total deals, closed deals, open deals, won deals, and lost deals.

Benefit: Gives a clear view of sales performance and highlights areas needing attention.

What can you expect? Better focus on important deals and improved sales tactics.

Pinpoints where deals are delayed, allowing for targeted fixes.

Deal Velocity Analysis

Measures how long deals take to move through each stage.

Benefit: Pinpoints where deals are delayed, allowing for targeted fixes.

What to expect? Quicker deal closures and shorter sales cycles.

Shows the impact of consistent and quality engagement.

Engagement Profile

Tracks how often and how well you engage with prospects.

Benefit: Shows the impact of consistent and quality engagement.

What to expect? Higher engagement rates leading to more successful deals.

Helps prioritize efforts in regions with better win rates.

Country Distribution and Performance

Tracks performance metrics by country.

Benefit: Helps prioritize efforts in regions with better win rates.

What to expect? Better market penetration and regional sales performance.

Offers a clear plan for improving sales efficiency and effectiveness.

Strategic Recommendations

Provides actionable insights and recommendations based on data analysis.

Benefit: Offers a clear plan for improving sales efficiency and effectiveness.

Outcome: Aligns sales efforts with business goals, leading to steady growth.

Why SaaS Founders and CEOs Need Arkeo AI...

Staying ahead means making swift, informed decisions.

The right insights at the right time can be the difference between leading the market or playing catch-up.

How It Works

Get up and running in minutes, making Arkeo AI's Sales Specialist a seamless extension of your Sales team from day one. 


Step 1:

Integrate your CRM

Arkeo integrates with essential CRM's, such as HubSpot. Arkeo immediately begins to analyze the gathered data, working silently in the background to extract valuable insights without disrupting your existing workflows. 


Step 2:

Immediate Insights

The Ai Sales Specialist spring into action, delivering immediate insights and recommendations. But it doesn't stop there. Arkeo Ai continues to guide you on a roadmap to close more deals, faster.


Ready to start?

"Getting an overall report as an initial understanding of my pipeline is huge! It means keeping better tabs on my pipeline, which I am good at but not great at, mainly because I don't have any time"

- David Hussey, Operations Manager, Safety Evolution

How is Arkeo AI Different from the Competition?


Most AI-powered solutions arm you with the capability to query your data, assuming you know exactly what you're looking for. But what happens when you're unaware of the questions that need to be asked?

This is where Arkeo's AI Sales Specialist distinctively stands out...

Insights First, Query Later


While typical AI tools require specific queries to unleash their potential, Arkeo proactively sifts through your sales data, uncovering insights and opportunities you might not even know existed. It's not about responding to your questions; it's about revealing the unseen and guiding you toward questions and answers that can redefine your strategy.

Anticipates Needs

Arkeo is designed to think like a seasoned sales strategist infused with a layer of intuition. This means it doesn't just wait for your prompts; it anticipates your needs, offering insights and recommendations that can dramatically reshape your approach to sales.

Others React, Arkeo Leads

Other AI tools react; Arkeo leads. It's an ever-vigilant guardian of your sales pipeline, constantly analyzing, learning, and suggesting. From unearthing hidden patterns in your sales data to predicting future trends and providing actionable strategies.

Unlocking the Unasked

The true power of Arkeo lies in its ability to bring to light the questions you haven't thought to ask. Doing so, not only illuminates paths to optimization and growth but also empowers you with a deeper understanding of your business. With Arkeo, you're not just searching; you're discovering a world of possibilities.

Where knowledge is power, Arkeo's AI Sales Specialist ensures you're always a step ahead, equipped with insights that lead to impactful decisions. This isn't just another AI tool; it's your strategic partner in navigating the complex terrain of sales, making the unknown known and the unseen seen.


Always Working for You...

Arkeo AI's Sales Specialist isn't just another tool in your arsenal; it's your 24/7, behind-the-scenes strategist, committed to your success.

It doesn't just work for you; it works with you, transforming data into a roadmap for success.

Word on the Street...

Hear what our Customers are saying...

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